Come and Worship with us!
Sunday Worship is at 11:00 a.m. Adult Sunday school starts one hour before services at 9:50 a.m. in the Gathering Room. |
Pastor: John Hornberger
Secretary: Deborah Pragg Church office hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. [email protected] We are located at: 300 Marrows Rd. Newark, De 19713 302-738-4478 |
When we have inclement weather, please refer to any of the following:
WDEL 1150 am radio
WDEL SnoWatch/
The church website at
Our Facebook page: Kingswood United Methodist Church - Delaware
All of the above outlets will be updated if we will be closed, delayed, or if any information needs to be distributed.
WDEL 1150 am radio
WDEL SnoWatch/
The church website at
Our Facebook page: Kingswood United Methodist Church - Delaware
All of the above outlets will be updated if we will be closed, delayed, or if any information needs to be distributed.